Adopt FAQs
Reach out to us on social media for anything we haven’t answered on our website
How do I apply to adopt?
If you’re interested in a particular animal, click on the Adoption Request button within their profile. Our questions will help you decide if this is the right time in your life to adopt a companion animal. Adoption is for life, so please consider this when submitting an enquiry.
When completing an application, give as much detail about your lifestyle as possible. Include what your reasons for adoption are, and why you believe you’re well matched to the animal you are applying for. This is so important in helping us during our selection process.
I’ve not heard back from Maggie’s since I put in an application?
Maggie’s operates via a team of volunteers and because we receive a high number of applications, you may not hear from us for a few days.
Once we’ve worked through all of an animal’s adoption requests, we’ll be in contact with you regarding the status of your application.
My earlier adoption application wasn’t successful and I’ve seen another animal I’m interested in adopting. How do I apply?
Get in touch to let us know which animal you’re interested in, so we can reuse your application or submit a new adoption request via their profile.
I’ve just heard back from Maggie’s that a foster carer will be in touch to discuss my application. What sort of questions should I be asking?
We know this is a very exciting next step, but do use this opportunity to ask as many questions as you can.
Find out what the animal’s daily exercise requirements are, as well as diet and health. What is known about their history and temperament? Do they have specific needs and if so, how best can they be supported?
If you already have a companion animal, discuss how well suited both animals are to living together.
What sort of questions will I be asked by the animal’s foster carer?
The foster carer will ask you questions about your lifestyle. Are you working from home, or are you out of the house and if so, for how many hours? They might ask if you have any breed knowledge, or rescue experience. This won’t always be necessary, as some of our animals will require less support than others. Remember, this is all part of the matching process, and will ensure the best fit for the animal’s new life.
At Maggie’s Rescue, we want the best experience for you and the animal. So we may occasionally suggest a different cat or dog, if your current situation does not meet the needs of the individual animal. Or it may be that the foster carer thinks you are a great potential match, and suggests moving the adoption process forward to the next step.
Is there a trial period?
Our animals have a two-week trial in your home, to see how they settle into their new life.
Once your application has been successful, we’ll conduct a home check to ensure that your home is a safe environment for your new family member. There will be some paperwork to make it official, as well as an adoption donation. Our foster carer will contact you again, to arrange a time for you to collect your new family member.
At the end of this trial, we complete the transfer of ownership by providing the council with the relevant paperwork. Council will send you a Certificate of Identification within 2 weeks, and we will share any vet reports, including desex and vaccination certificates. Your wonderful life with your new family member will officially begin!
Unsure about adoption?
If you’re not ready for a long term companion animal,
then please consider becoming a foster carer first, to see how one can fit into your life.